Tuesday, September 15, 2015

"Because We Don't Need It…"

Many of us have been programmed from very Early start, since we were kids to Operate on the basis of "Need."  But if you really think about it, we may need only Very little to SURVIVE on daily basis.  For example, we may notice that there are many homeless people on streets that day-in and day-out may only eat very little, shower or not, and drag on every day whether they have a place to live or not.  We may even get-by with very little to eat or purchaseing things every day and keep our bills to a very minimum.  We may not choose to buy a car or take vitamins, or not spend money on skin-care products, and not take vacations; etc.  But we do Extra things like working more than we should or strive to make more money to be able to afford Better things and move to better places; etc.  We do keep buying better things because we want to Enhance our lives for the better and not just "because we need" to.  Living for the Better may take extra work or money, but it can also be accomplished by focusing on Quality in our lives rather than quantity.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

End of Books

With the Digital society that has now become more prevalent Intrest in books is becoming Thing of the past.  New generation is more interested in digital Games; Scanning reading; Listening and Watching ideas On-Line than devoting their time into reading. Reading is Slower, creating a Pressure into trying to understand What someone wrote, to be Applied practically.  Digital games, and watching or listening to programs and going through Clips from Variety of sources in our GLOBAL world not only seems more Real now but UpToDate.