Monday, December 31, 2012

Who's vocabulary is more important?!

Don't you sometimes feel people are misinterpreting what you are saying or writing in your life, and sometimes you feel like no matter what you say or do to clarify your conversations with others, they still continue to repeat what they think is right about what you said. Some people just give-up to continue repeating themselves, to clarify what they are talking about. There are times, for example, there are employees who would just keep their mouth shot and take what their supervisors or managers or employers say and write about them at where where work, than arguing about who is more accurate about a scenario. People may have signed documents, whether true or not, agree or not, just to put things behind them and move on....

Another simple example is when immigrants have gone to another country to live and they may get overwhelmed by others in a new country telling them what is "right." In a new county, natives may talk to the immigrants with no "accent," but immigrants who have the accents and limited-vocabulary, may just agree with others to just get by, and sometimes not knowing what they agreed to! Many times immigrants may feel intimidated by others who continuously insist on being "right", especially If they are under someone's position of authority. For example, no matter how much immigrants learn the new language, due to their "accents" and no matter how long they have lived in an immigrated country, some people may make them feel like they are never speaking or saying things "correctly/right" way. Due to such communication issues, sometimes it may almost feel-like there is no room for creativity for immigrants, when they are communicating their second language. Immigrants may sometimes find that people constantly are trying to correct them, no matter how better they get with their grammar and spelling, and the way they say things.....

So the question remains, what is the solution to all these mis-interpretations and mis-representations among people. What can people do about improving their communications, without arguing about who is right, or who is telling the truth?!

First, it is important to realize that with verbal communications, people are not usually taught about Moral & Ethical aspect of communicating with one-another. They could go for many years of schooling without realizing how to communicate as a HUMAN beings! Our conceptual communications are mainly being emphasized in the "academic" arena. In academic word, the main emphasis is on conceptualization. So people may figure-out how to correct themselves, to get what they want, many times by trial and error either legally and in business, when they get to the "Mainstream". For example, people may draw contracts, or may try to address things with specific clauses that may only focus-on preventing their business or organization from getting sued. Unfortunately, such practices may overlook the Win-Win aspect of doing business that would benefit all parties.

Second, if we want to succeed in our war of communication, we must decide what is the Purpose of what we want to relay to One-Another. It is not only what we are "saying," but Primarily, it is the Intentions that we have and are trying to COMMUNICATE.......

It is with no doubt that we have all the education we need and the know-hows, as to how to communicate "correctly," and getting better and better. However, the only thing that remains is, in order for us to communicate more effectively, we must define our Purpose and Mission in our lives and choose the VOCABULARIES that best matches Them. For example, we may choose our Circles that best matches our Purpose and Mission more carefully as well. We must LIVE by our own Code-of-Honor that will best define each of us, Individually, when we communicate, and not allow any one to use any other interpretive or "better" vocabulary or grammar that would define us in any other way or order.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Is there a path for a LEADER?!

From the time we are very young we may hear, especially from our "wise" that each of us should just follow our own path in life. But we may question, as I did growing up, what path? What is the right thing to do? Where is the right direction to go? What skills or what information do I need to acquire that would help us to follow our own path?.......

From the time we are children we are bombarded by a ton of information, advices and commercials; articles after articles from scientists and experts, teachers and consultants, what is the the right thing to do. Among all theses information, we are constantly reminded that we have choices and its up-to-us to make a right decision in life. Our leaders or people who have "made-it" in their life, often you may hear them say that you should dream and follow your dream. However, many times we may feel limited as to what we "can" do, as we get challenged financially; physically; emotionally; by a natural disasters or different circumstances.....

The point of a matter is that in order for us to achieve what we want in life, we MUST have Leadership-Courege. However, a leader's life is unique, due to the fact that the 1st person we have to lead is ourselves! And our dream or path is ours alone, at least at 1st as well. To have Leadership in life is not a skill, as we may times you may hear, but some thing that you do, in This JOURNEY. There is no path, or mentor to follow, unless you want to learn a "skill" only. As a Leader of your OWN life, you must Create your path by each of the Steps that you take (Whether it is physical; mental and/or emotional). And where are you going? HERE. Who are your Followers? 1st, Yourself, then Whoever-Else Who comes in contact with you, Helping them to Be, Who they ARE. As a TEAM, where are we going? The "Promise-Land" of Who-We ARE........

Many may ask then, what do we do in this PLACE of Who-We ARE (Promise-Land)?!
Nothing, but Acknowledging; Respecting, and Enjoying Each-Other's TALENTs that will Benefit-Us.......INTERACTIVELY.

Friday, December 28, 2012

It's a treatment, not the CURE!

When we go to our doctor to get any medical treatment, our doctor usually examines us and may give us some medication to take to get better. In extreme cases, someone may have Cancer and the doctor may suggest Chemotherapy for treating the cancer.

Sometimes the treatments for some ailments may be other forms of treatments. People these days may also consider some unconventional treatments such as Homeopathy; Vitamin-therapy; Hypnotherapy; herbal-therapy to name a few. Sometimes our doctors may consider suggesting that we take some medications on a regular basis, as a form of preventative regiment. For example, if a person is suffering from blood-pressure, and if a person has some general-anxiety issues, their doctor may suggest that they take some medication(s) that may be prescribed as a preventative measure. Sometimes in a similar way, we may consider taking some Vitamins; Herbs; and see our Hypnotherapist to assist us with some Guided-Imagery session that will be beneficial for our overall Health.

This is an important reminder that no one kind of Treatment is "the" CURE, and our body must go through its Natural course, to get well. Each one of us have our own rate of Healing and we have to be patient to feel better when we are going thorough the healing PROCESS. No one treatment maybe better than the other; however, it is imperative that we check for all aspects of our wellbeing when we enter the course of Treatment. All of our Physical, Psychological, and Emotional aspects of our being are important to us, and must be considered in any treatment.

Treatments work best when they are processed individually, and in Collaboration with one-another. And it is of vital-importance to include all aspects of your BEING in consideration when you are on any Preventative regiment, or if you are in Treatment to get better and better.......

Who's orders "should I;" "have to;" "must" be taking?!

We are BOMBARDED by a bunch of messages and informative materials days-in & days-out. For example, besides all the things that we see and hear on tv and radio, Internet and newspapers, magazines and books that suggest to us what we should consider and choose, there are other things that keep telling us what we ought to do.

From the time we are born, our parents and other adults who are raising us keep telling us what we should, have-to, and must-do. We go to school and our teachers tell us what to do. We get a job and our employers tell us what to do. When we go to the doctor, our doctors tell us what to do; in our relationships our spouses tells us what to do. We must abide by the laws of our countries that we live in; and when comes to believing, our priests and rabbis tell us what we should do. For our $, our bankers and accountants tell us what to do for our money. Now, when we buy a peace of equipment, for example, our computer and phones and cars are expecting us to do certain things to operate them. Our bodies and thoughts may limit us to do certain things and in a certain way, in order that we could be able to productively function; on and on and on.......

No wonder sometimes people get drained and have nervous-breakdowns during these process of life! People I hear sometimes say that they wish it all could stop for while so they could have a peace of mind. Some wish that they could go on vacation somewhere so that they could take a break. Of course, when we feel like we are a victim of it all, we may get overwhelmed with all the demands, and sometimes we may not want to continue with such stressful lifestyle that is pulling at us from all directions. The problem is even when we are on vacation, we may feel we cannot scape from them all, in mind and body! So what do we do?!

Unfortunately, no one can tell you, again here, what to do, or what medication to take to achieve peace, even-though is a treatment.

PEACE, is a REALIZATION, a STATE of mind that exists only at the CENTER of IT. it cannot just be explained, but you can Experience-It by your LifeStyle of living through the PROCESS. You may have a Spiritual-Guide and/or a Mentor who can Be of Assistance, to transcend the FOCUS, while you are going through the Process, to in a sense, "Catch the PEACE," or come to the REALIZATION on your own. Again, this is the only time that you do not want some-one telling you what to do, or for you following any orders!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Who's $ am I working for?!

Sometimes I hear people complain about how much they are over-working to have the ends meet. If they have a job, they get a second and third job; they also do so many overtime at their work, putting some extra hours so they could get paid extra to meet their expenses. They also say, they try to start and make a small business on the side to make them the extra money to pay their bills.

In balance, people talk about the times they spend shopping for their basic needs, and if they have children, again their is extra time needed to do extra shopping for their kids. Other expenses such as medical; entertainment; and many other needs that arises due to urgencies. And of-course there are many other things such as taxes takes our money that we worked so hard for away, while we continue to live our lives.

I hear average middle-class families and individuals being frustrated by the rise of prices and taxes and insurance and many other things such as monthly prices of phone and cell; tv & their special cable or satellite programing that is a lot more than what they paid, for their phone and tv. As the complains goes, what they are making is being drained a lot faster than what they made, even with a lot of the unnecessary cut-downs of their expenses. And the main issue is that as if the money that people are making has no real worth any more.

The issue is that how first, difficult it is to find a job; getting along with others in that job, and try to make a decent money that we can. Then, even if we could save any of the money we make, there is almost no substantial interest on the money, if we could save save some. While all these issues continue going on, our governments continue to readily raise our taxes; print all the cash they need, and give our tax dollars to companies of their interest. There are many tax breaks that continues to happen for the rich who get to spend luxuriously without any concern, of what are going on with the "average citizens."

The question(s) remains: who's money are we working for? How much life-time do we have to do the over-work, to make the decent money that we can, to meet not only our basic expenses, but the little bit of fun that we deserve as well in our life-time? Why do we have to labor so much, while the BOSS gets to spend as he/she wishes? Is this what We meant to do as We are born in this WORLD? .................,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Where do I process my Heart in this Double-Bind?

In our society time and time again we come across emotionally charged situations that makes us confused again and again. For example, at work, there are so many complaints that I have heard from employees complaining about getting stuck in the Double-Bind. The complain is usually that they get into a profession that they LOVE, and they are also are asked that they should really love & care for what they do, but are hit hard by Emotional predicaments of Immoral and Unethical circumstances while working. They may be asked to do extra work doing unnecessary documentation; they may be pointed out performing many extra steps as that policies of the organization may require; other issues that may pressure them concerning their gender, age, religion, national origin; etc.

It seems that people are constantly in conflict of dealing with giving and doing what they LOVE, but being held-back with numerous demands that would constantly step on their feelings and confidence. But worst is that our professionals are not being Trained as to how to Encourage, Handle, Attend and Pay attention to such issues. Instead, our employers will do the "one-up-manship" practice that consists of usually brushing the issue under the carpet, only focusing on the task at hand, and/or suggesting that the employee should see a Worker's assistant program that gives employees therapy due to work-stress they have. Through these processes, employees may take advantage of getting psychological help due to work stress, but come back to work with similar issues, continuing, or may resign or get fired or laid off, but the emotional issues may only linger on somewhere else! So the Employer with such insensitive and unprofessional way of handling the emotional issues will continue to be the "stable-one" in the process!

Another example are in the areas of performing-arts department. There are many many Talented individuals who try so hard to develop their skills, but when it comes to performing or giving all they have got on STAGE, they come short of Energy and Enthusiasm due to NERVOUSNESS to control their stage, and capture their audience's attention. Many times again they may get the wrong message from their coaches that they should just "practice, practice, practice" instead of giving much attention to the Feelings. For example, I even heard in one of the Leadership programs that I participated, the coach was promoting that we should not pay attention to our Feelings if we want to succeed, and that feelings are just "farts"!

All throughout my career in the world of psychology, time and time again I realized that emotions and feelings has been identified and treated as some kind of a "disorder". There are are also many sensitive individuals and children who may be extra-sensitive to their senses and they may be psychic or clairvoyant and may need extra attention and sensitivity to deal with the obstacles they confront throughout their careers. Many times they may be identified as bi-polar; people with attention deficit problems; mood disorder, to name a few. It is important to be under the care of medical and psychological professionals, but it is also crucial to further work on these specific issues with a coach, for our bright personal an professional careers.

It is important to have a coach in this important field who not only work with people with such feelings and sensitive issues, but to assist in helping and training our employers and Leaders to work on themselves and others in handling such issues. In our Technological-Global SOCIETY, Moral and Ethical issues that is got to do with feelings and emotional sensitivity of people, has become more important than ever before. The misunderstanding of people have increased in this fast-pace SOCIETY more than ever before. we cannot just move forward without doing something constructive that would benefit us to be more mindful and respectful of one another, but to prevent any harmful effect that may arise along the way......

Friday, December 21, 2012

Artificial-Intelligence or Universal-Intelligence PROGRAMING?!

When computer analysts and programmers are working on Artificial-Intelligence (A-I), they work on the technology computerized-computing in multidirectional and/or Dimensional way. However, the old-way of computing of computers have been in a linear fashion that would take a long time to complete, and needed fairly a lot of space as well. Now this is a very simple way of explaining this, but it will help you to understand in general, such technology that we have at hand. The reason that I got into this introduction is because we have been taught the same way to THINK and process in school growing up as well.

Linear thinking and doing things step-by-step has been the way of teachings in our schools and trainings, and the only people who have been exposed to the freedom of thinking have been mostly the Artists, Poets, and Designers and Spiritual people alike.

Even our laws become controversial when we try to abide by them in proper way at times. We have to have our cases heard in court due to the multidimensional or multianglar a situation has been happening that gets people into trouble, of breaking the laws that are written in a linear fashion in the books. Also within our Medical field, our Healing from diseases does not happen in a linear way either. Doctors would treat us with medication(s) and asks us to rest and take it easy until our body Heals itself On-Time, at any given Moment. The time that we are dealing with does not work linearly, but is a peace of the Worldly PUZZLE. Cells in our body, for example, does not recover linearly, but from all sides and dimensions, SIMULTANEOUSLY.

So how do we program our lives for the Better-Living: Healthy, Joyful, and Supportive LIVING.....?
Tuning our body to our UniversalConsciousness......

Offering our Consciousness to Universal-Consciousness (UC) will be the KEY of Focus, to get ourselves out of the linear and limiting LifeStyle. At such Moment, the UC will TakeOver to DRIVE our LIFE...
In this way, we will not only OPEN our Multi-Level CONSCIOUSNESS, but this Naturally programs us to go through the Portal of UC, so we will able to have the Simultaneous-Healing that allows us to Experience the Joy, Health, and Love that have been held back in OurLives for so long.....

Would disrespect make us SICK or cause a Heart-Attack?!

Morality, and Ethical CONDUCT are all about Respect. In Business books they may be considered or mentioned as Win-Win. In Biblical stories you may come across the story of Jesus saying, "Love thy Neighbor as Yourself," or Don't do to them as you would to yourself....

Why this is Important? Because of the disharmony that the act of disrespect does, that Affects both persons Simultaneously! This is an InterActive process that will put both persons in jeopardy, and in a deeper level, would cause emotional-imbalance in the Expanded-Radius that may cause others discomfort as well. For example, in any Family situation, when you hear a husband and wife having any arguments and difficulties that they are struggling with, not only it makes the couple bothered by it, but their children and other immediate family members emotionally will get upset as well. Another example would be a conflict between an employee and a supervisor, or a supervisor and a manager. This conflict may not only cause upset between the two, but other employees may Feel the oddness that is going on in that Environment (no matter if they admit it or not).

Since we are Human-Beings, just like any other Living-Thing, we are Emotional-Beings and our "monitor" is our Hearts, that will let us know whether we are In-Harmony or not! Too long of ignorance to our Harmonious-well-being, and we may Face a Heart-Attack. We should be reminded that Cause & Effect goes together, and we may more like calling it Cause-Effect.

It is important again to be considerate of each other's Feelings due to, as the song goes, "Our Hearts Beats As ONE" may be really True. I heard also of an experiment that was done some time ago that proved all the Clocks that were in a room, after a while, started Becoming synchronized as well.

So what does Moral values and Ethical standard are trying to emphasis on? RESPECT. In our culture unfortunately, Science has been putting so much emphasis on the "cold" mathematical and evidential concepts that the Subjective-Phenomenon has been rated down. For example, all we may hear now with the Genetic studies, is that scientists and medical doctors are explaining away all misbehavior and diseases as a "genetic-link" problem. This may totally disregard the Musical aspect of our UNIVERSE, that our Humanity depends on.

In order to Start this Harmonious-Process, I suggest for us to Educate ourselves and work on our Emotional-Intelligence that will not only make us Healthier and Happier, but will make our Human-Environment more LIVABLE as well......

Is it me or the Frequency?!

We wonder why we get our diseases and allergies; psychologically, why we get our stresses and behavioral issues; why we get migraines and pains....

People take medications and vitamins, also diet regiments also has been good to work as a preventative medicine. However, another issue that usually does not get discussed by doctors and therapists and psychiatrists is the subject of unbalanced Frequencies that one can have problems with. The reason that doctors and therapists and other Heath professionals does not discuss such issue is due to first, their License does not cover such parameters; and second, scientifically is not something to be detected and monitored with patients.

This subject deems to be very controversial, but worth getting into as a remedy for individuals to use for getting better. However this subject is very extensive to discuses and also very subjective to understand; as the result one can only try and use these discussed concepts to only share their results with others. So briefly I will touch on this Remedy and encourage any inquiry for further discussion to help the process of such understanding.

We are like Frequencies across the UNIVERSE. All our molecules and atoms in our body, collectively as a body, like a Radio produces or sends, and Simultaneously receives information, as Frequency CONSTANTLY. Like a Radio our body (again COLLECTIVELY) has to be in a Right-Frequency to work in HARMONY. Now if we get out of Harmony or Balance, just like a radio, our body will not only send, but will receive uninterrupted annoying Frequency that our body not only Vibrates on, but would Annoy others who will Listen to it. Mind that we do not only listen with our ears, but all our senses are INVOLVED! For example, Visual; Taste; Touch; Smell; and Hearing. And if just like a radio, our station (our Body), is not on the Right-Station it will sound like we are not Tuned-In, and that causes us to be in disharmony with our Environment. This disharmony may leave some DisEase that not only harms us, but may harms others as well.

So what could we do about such predicament? How can we even prevent such disharmony from happening..... Well, just like an instrument, for example, a Guitar, or Violin or Piano, we can try to TUNE our body, to sound "Tuned", so we could expected to play the Music that we want!

A couple of the suggestions that I could make here, in this brief discussion is doing Yoga. Another is Tai-Chi. And if you need a Tuning by a Professional, you could try Hypnosis as well (which allows you to learn to do Self-Hypnosis, correctly, on your own, later on). I suggest that you also consider doing Meditation as well that would include Chanting and
Focused-Breathing. Repetition and Practicing these Exercises on Daily bases if you can, will get you to feel Better as you go forward with your Healthy LifeStyle......

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Are the daily commercials reminding or teaching us Something?!

In this global consumer-society we are exposed to daily commercials every few minutes....

Have you ever wondered how these constant exposures to commercials have made you feel and think?

People may sometimes complain about what is happening around the world by listening to the news; unfair treatments at places of work, and their relationships with others. We may sometimes complain about our education system needing improvement. But look at what we are exposed to on daily basis. Does the commercials on radio and tv, Internet and news; etc, are teaching or reminding us to be Moral, Responsible, Ethical or anything near these things? Or are these commercials are daring us or secretly encouraging us to be silly and not mind what others think or feel, wanting us to buy something to make us happy and forget about what is going on around us. These egoic acts being advertised and encouraged on daily basis only puts forth the idea of being young is to be selfish, only care about yourself or buy love by giving some one a gift, and showing off to others that what you drive or wear would make everything alright!

We can only expect to have a Moral and Ethical and Respectably Honorable Society by living in the Environment that encourages these Behaviors on constant basis. Even our educated people may fall into these traps of silliness by these environmental-misprogramming.

We can not only hope and wish these things would change, but each one of us can take an individual responsibility NOW, to do and put forth something, that could gradually Alter these silliness in a productive and positive way for all of us, and especially for our youth.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Are we teaching our Youth Sympathy or Empathy, or Both?

We may get exposed to the idea of Empathy through what it says in some religions that we must love our neighbor as ourselves, Empathy may be a life-time practice. Scientists in psychology may have done experiments and may have explained what empathy is, but true Empathy is at a deeper level than sympathy.

We may teach our children to say "I am sorry" if they have done something inappropriate or wrong, but they may grow up to go through life not feeling what others maybe going through by inappropriateness of our children's words, actions or attitudes...

Especially, in this Global-World people may READILY hurt one-another, just by inappropriate words that gets transmitted through a text on a phone, or Internet, and postings of a inappropriate picture or Video. The social media has detached people more and more from each other and reduced individuals reacting to one-another while they are behind their devices. Empathy takes TIME to develop as the result of individuals spending time with one-another to, be able to feel the feelings of each other. On the other hand, sympathy may be as quick as saying to someone "sorry" and move on!

We may examine that in this consumer-mentality society that we live in, are we creating products and tools that benefits OneAnother or one-better-than-the other? And we cannot teach others everything just by transmitting concepts and rules when it comes to these issues, but spending TIME for us to become AWARE what Empathy feels-like.....

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Our idols are not worth a penny any longer!

In our Global- Society that we live in now with all the technological advancement that have been made have brought down the worth of things almost down to nothing. For example, it is not what you pay for if you are buying a TV, Raidio, phone, but the monthly payments that would buy you many of these items many times over throughout the year.

You have a home, a car; you want to travel, invest on gold, antiques and arts; or you want to buy a computer; who is your American idol that you listen to on the media; where do you park your car when you go places; how many times you buy a new stuff because a better item has came up in the store and internet that you could use, better than the one you bought yesterday or last year......

How about books that you read or news that you watch, every day a new event, a new "how to" information in a book or program. A new game on the computer, a new application, a new update, a new virus......Our spiritual advisors, our laws and lawyers; our education system with its regurgitating methods of teaching and rising tuitions that students cannot catchup with to pay off. Jobs that are temporary on daily basis......

Our average salaries cannot suffice paying off the demands of the raising costs of products and food and constant changes that are being made that demands us to buy, to keep up with such new way of living, before we get outdated. It does not worth saving money any longer, due to almost no interest that are being given to the customers of the banks. You may think at times that it may cost more to save your money, than spending your money with such rates of inflation that are effecting the world in such Global-Economy we live now.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Multicultural or Transcultural ?

In America we say we are a multicultural society, due to many people who have migrated to America for business; and/or political reasons. Some have came here because part of their family was here, or got married....

Now after many years with the speed of advanced technologies and opportunities that have allowed many to communicate; travel and move around and live in different parts of the world, and may times for shorter amount of time has made a different Global-Community. All these readily communications, transactions, travels and transfers has made a NEW generation of Global-Community that is NOW.......Transcultural.

The offsprings of our Multicultural-Community in this Global-World, has turned OUR society across the continents into something more Expansive and Dynamic PEOPLE. And at this time in History, HUMANITY..... became a Global-Human, who cannot escape ITSELF, as we cannot be no longer judgmental or prejudice towards OURSEVES!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Are we in the Present?

When we are born into a a family or situation, it may indicate where we are at, mentally or emotionally in our lives. As we grow up based on our circumstances, we may change our lives, for hopefully what we want in our future. Through time we continue to Experience and feel our surroundings based on what we are use-to or what we want to experience.

Look at your surrounding today, is your surrounding similar to what you always been use to? Or is it continue to change towards what you want your Life to be like? Have you been comfortable with your way of living? Or you are annoyed by how the society is changing and living you behind, or forcing you to change?

What we Experience is Always in flux & change, and what we touch and feel may be only the Reflection of us in this Ever-Changing Universe, whether we are born into it; or we are Manually changing it, or an earthquake or tsunami is causing it to change.......

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Who is the Strongest?

Have you ever thought who is the strongest person in this world?! You may think of a list of people with different talents and opportunities that may fall into that category:

. The most muscular man in the world;
. The one who is the best MartialArts champion;
. The most genius person with "brains" power of intellect;
. The most inventive person;
. The richest Entrepreneur;
. The one in command that could destroy the world with push of a button;
. The best Psychic that could make any thing happen with his/her powers;
. The most financially richest person that could buy any ones heart and mind to obey to him/her by pointing a finger or command;
. The most influential person who could convince anyone to take action, buy, or change their mind for doing what he/she wants them to do;
. The most ruthless person who could just step-over anyone without any remorse;
. The sexiest person who would make anyone loose their rational and would bring anyone to their knees;
. The most spiritual or religious person who could make anything happen in the world by their connection with god, Devine, or universal energy;
. Etc; etc; etc; etc...............

There are many ideas that we could think of to vote for the person, that in our opinion would be the STRONGEST person in this world. But Really, who is the one?

Some may say:

. One who is the most Compassionate towards others;
. One who is most to Sacrificing for the good of others;
. One who Is most Empathetic towards others;
. One who is most Sensitive to feelings of others;
. One who lives a most Charitable life to help others;
. One who is most dedicated to Protect others from any danger;
. One who is most dedicated to Teach others for a better future;
. Etc; etc; etc......

If you have noticed, the first list is about having power for one's benefit; while the second list is about sharing power that captures the Good for others!

Which category is your Preference?

Friday, December 7, 2012

What do I take with me when I Die?

You may sometimes hear people say, "You won't take anything with you after you die."
People may have different beliefs and ideas about what Happens after we die, and it is obviously true that we cannot take anything substantial with us, but what about all the experiences?

As we live our lives we have our Physical; Psychological; and Emotional experiences.....things that we experience with our bodies and all the bodily sensations.  Psychologically, all the things that we thought about and learned.....and Emotionally, all the things we felt along the way.....

As one said: "Watch your thoughts as they become words, watch your words as they become habits, watch your habits as they become your character, watch your character as it becomes your Destiny...."

In this Present-Moment that we are born, we become Conscious of our surrounding and all the things that is Happening and goes on In-It that includes us.  We Experience, React, Watch, Eat, What we are Born into an continue our lives In-It until it comes the Moment that we Die....

It seems that at Moment of Birth, we became conscious of It; then we have our lives Play In-It, and When we Die, we go Out of Consciousness....

Now Imagine that what about if you came Alive the way we wake up again from a sleep or dream....and go to sleep again.....what have you learned....what you would do and not do again....

Just like how your heart beats again and how you breath again and you eat and what you eat again and again.....things that you think, say and do again and again.... how seasons change again and on and so forth.....

You could see that our deeds In-Life can take a Cycle, again and again in a Bigger picture that we look at It. But you have to Realize that we only may look at It in bits and pieces because just like we cannot look at our own eyes, and we cannot bite our own teeth!

So the Moral is that in this Cycles of our lives we may consider continue to changing course as we LEARN to take a Path that would be better and better and better and better.......

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Is Imagination Real?

If you checkout the history over the centuries you will realize that most all Ideas that once where just talked about, or written in one century may have been worked out in another century or so...

At different times in history we've had different ways of doing science and ways that people tried to workout with ideas and making ideas work and be utilized. In one generation a person may have came up with an Idea and that idea may have been spread around. People in the Next generation may have done a lot of planning and came up with a lot of ways to make the Idea work. Individuals each time may have came up with a better and better product that made them get closer and closer to the Original idea in mind. For example, telephone Now is just an idea again that gets one's voice from one Mind to another.

Ideas are one's imagination that gets transmitted from one generation to the next. Next generation of people are born into the next generation of technologies, and ideas just get more and more advanced. One's primitive imagination and ideas becomes perfected and goes beyond what one ever imagined, and that's what's called "Beyond the Imagination."

Imaginations are Real, but its just the matter of time for them to come true; and you may not recognize the reality of your Imagination that came True, because the Reality may be more Advance and more in detail and Bigger than yourself, in the Whole-Package of the Universe We are in.

In the Universe that we all Live and Imagine-Within, you may realize that it would be difficult to SEE sometimes what Wish may have come true with our little pair of eyes, and that's why some say, "It was right under my nose and I couldn't see it!"

Monday, December 3, 2012

Does our WARs have Karma?!

Every time some one gets killed in a war, that person may be a father or a mother, son or daughter, child, brother or sister, grandmother or grandfather, or a friend to some one or a family.  As some structures or homes gets destroyed, children or our young may watch such violence and destructions. Every time someone gets injured, members of families may suffer the consequences of such aches and pains.

Due to such feelings that may resonate from such sufferings, our next generation may have some hard feelings that may continue to hunt them in the future as they get older.  Parents may continue to say negative things and wish the worst for the "other-side" or what they would call their enemy.  Growing up our next generation, our young may grow up to continue the legacy of such feelings....

We need to continue to do better than falling into the trap of "doing the same thing, but expecting a better result."  We need to learn from our mistakes so we could figure out a better strategy to deal with our Relationships than continuing our mistakes.....

Immature Economics

When we were children our parents and teachers constantly reminded us to share our toys with our siblings and other children.  This was because we could enjoy playing with one another when we where together.  Ironically as adults we still come across individuals who may be called greedy and want ALL for themselves, but will share When it's too late or not at all.  Unfortunately things are more extreme by the time we are adults.

Who wants leftovers, and if you thinks about it, in this global society that the population has gone almost beyond count, we must expand our vision as to developing our world in more expansive ways.    Instead of just making a buck, we should expand our ways of living in ways that there would be Prosperity of open field so that we could farm, play, and enjoy our vast lands around the globe.  The technology is so advanced that we can recycle almost any thing for use and we could use almost anything as resource.  However we cannot EXPAND our horizons if we keep our economy for the principal of greed.

Sharing is a Win/Win or let's benefit OneAnother mentality that can only become available by Prosperity education.  No child ever likes to be forced to share his or her toys to play, and if he or she finally had to do that, they would want to only win the game if they could to get revenge at times!

Prosperity living is only the manifestation of our Wise Men teaching our young.  We must start with ourselves in small ways and teach Good to others by being a Good role-models for others to emulate. Prosperity is a good Teacher; Prosperity is a Healer; Prosperity Forgives; and Prosperity Lives-On.  We just have to start it in our Hearts and let it Continue....

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Department of Employee Abusive Services!

Ironically companies and organizations are not trained to do services for Humanities, but for Profit.  As the result, It cannot be bigger than the some of it's individual parts!

In this Global Economy, if Employers, Businessmen & Leaders do not change their focus from $ sign, to improving the human potential, we will not be anything but Hurd of animals taken advantage of until the time of slaughter.  Employees who like myself being treated as a Statistic or a File, and once an employee reaches close to the age of 50, is treated as an out-date, due to over crowd of new generation in line to get a job!  In this dog eating dog society of famine of lack of creativity, when it comes to serving the human Heart, rather than the stomach that NEVER gets satisfied.... A Global society of  hungry Dogs..... Being kept alive hungry with medications and Vaccines so they could live longer to fight the crowds.

Science & technology is moving way faster and being utilized, than people developing their practical use of Moral & Ethical ways of relating to one another.  Without such Balance we will be nothing but an Ape "clicking" the Lever for Reward!

We need to move from trying to make the Old system of COMPETITIVE SURVIVORS OF THE FITTEST work, to Restructuring our Global-System of  relating to one another for the GREATNESS OF THE HUMAN POTENTIAL.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Democrat or Republican?!

It has been said by the political experts in general that Republicans favor the rich, by ensuring lower taxes on them; and Democrats favor the Middle Class, trying that they don't get over-taxed.

In this GLOBAL society however, if there should be a global success, we Must have a Competitive-Collaboration among our political parties as well.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Who is the mentor ?!

The experts in our society when it comes to managing our finances tell us constantly that we should save our money; invest in our future; respect others;etc., but that is what is not being projected to others in our society. In our media we see that celebrities are having lots of fun with self indulgence; governments are brrowing money exponentially or printing money to the point that it is now will have outrageous effect on our citizens and youth in our countries. People who have been a middle class, and lower income families who have been budgeting very cafully, their money has been gone in a flash by being a trained "consumer".

In this Global-Culture due to the speed of the information technology, we can't depend on almost any traditional ways of doing things, simply because it is too slow. We need to be Individualistic as to how we live our lives in a productive way if we want to have a better world. We have to consider that whatever we do may comeback to us and hit us on the head before we leave this world, again due to the speed of how fast things are traveling Golobally.

What we do should benefit not only ourselves, but another and others as well. In this Global world we MUST keep in mind that what we do, whether it is, how we think, physically do, and even feel may affect others one way or another almost simultaneously. The responsibility of mentorship is on us, individually NOW, and we cannot depend on the slow government or our education system; parents or experts, because now they are either too slow (having "traditional" ideas in the back of their minds; or their old-school mentality of, I am the one with the degree, power, or status attitude), or they may not get to each and every one of us when we need them!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Is it my time or theirs ?!

Many people during the time of being employed may realize a discrepancy on their contributed time due to unethical treatments at their work. These discrepancies may happen due to unethical conducts of their managers or supervisors deducting time from the employees contributed working hours, whether it is for the reason of disciplinary actions or miscalculated times that should be managed very carefully by the management.

These times may come out of, or may get deducted from the accumulated "sick-time"; "vacation- time"; accummelated "holiday-time"; etc., to name a few. However, many times the employees may also complain of not getting their "over-time" if they have worked some extra hours as well. But the problem remains that employees may miss many of their employees hours that may have gone through the "cracks", either not get paid for them or their hours may get deducted without employees ever noticing it. There has been many cases that employees have complained that due to the reasoning of the manager or supervisor their work-time have been deducted or not added, and the employee would have a very hard time to prove such mistreatment to the authorities.

The point remains that when a person works for a company; business, or an organization, their professional time spent at the employer apparently remains with the employer, and what they get paid for is at the mercy of the employer's calculation and judgment.

If a person tries to have their own business, they may have some control over their pay of course, but what remains is then, how they manage their time and budget their finances, including their accounting and paying their taxes properly. And with a bigger business or as they expand, one has to be a good team-leader to place responsible team members with their business, so the money that they make and their finances to remain efficient.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Should I sign it ?!

Different kinds of documents are given to people to sign at different times, and people may get many times concerned that whether they should sign such "contracts" that are given to them.

There are many times questions being risen that whether or not such documents are binding or not as a contract, even if they are not signed. For example, an employer can give a notice to an employee warning that some money may get deducted from his or her paycheck due to some incident at work. But whether or not the employee signs such notice the employer can deduct the money from the employee's paycheck. However, if the employee disagree's with such action, he or she could take the employer to court demanding the unfairness of the deduction. In such scenario the question remains that, if the judge gives the judgement to the employer, Does it mean that since the employee's story has not been accepted, the employer ultimately is the one who is the winner, due to the fact that employer is the owner or the payer who is compensating the employee monetarily?

In such world that we live in, apparently, the owner or the employer is the one who may have the upper hand with the story of the incident(s) that may happen at work, and employees may have a hard time to go after to prove the truth at work!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Is it fair for me to take the medication ?!

Time and time again people who are stressed, go to their doctor or psychiatrist and complain about their stresses at work or employer mistreating them.  Usually there are Stress Groups in place for these people to attend to; however, no matter what, these employees are highly suggested to take stress medications along the way.

The ironic thing however is that the employers are not trained properly or due to budget cuts or discrimination factors and what ever the reason, there are a lot of unethical issues that are not being attended to on regular basis at work environments.  The shortcut however is that the employees need the money and they do not want to get fired and just try to continue to go to work, so they readily take the medication(s) prescribed  to them by their doctors.

But the main question that arises is, if there are many unethical issues going on at work by the employers, how come the employees are the one sedating themselves or being in denial (by the effect of stress medication that they are taking) at work?