Friday, September 23, 2011

Is it fair?

This has been a very puzzling question for me, " is it fair...?"

In the world of options that we live in, depending on our status, we may be limited with choices! And as the the result We may question many circumstances by trying to make the best of them and reason them out....

Our reasoning may be somewhat primitive, " that is the way it is," or more on the sophisticated side, " this is my choice."

Another example may be, " let's be fair." But that is, fair for who?!
Let's keep the discussion open about this daunting subject, because when it comes to the fair game of "win-win" many folks do get concerned about, whether the win-win was mor of a "win-lose" or maybe was a "lose-win?!"

My suggestion would be, "as they say," weigh your options, and make your decision; and try to negotiate.....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Is it worth my time?

In this Global economy people are Getting their hourly wages, however can't meet paying for their bills! The solution some people may have suggested is: "get married; live with a friend; have a domestic partner...." but people are still arguing that even then they cannot meet their bills to live a little comfortably or luxuriously!

Inflation may be the result of the technology that has made some people mega-rich due to others clicking away while each click is costing them or making the owners rich. People cannot depend on their savings because their money is loosing value while the rich are having a cash flowing in their business accounts in a rate that is unbelievable for the average wage earner.

Now is it worth my time to do "over-time."

Sunday, September 18, 2011

What can I do to contribute to this Global world ?

Apparently whatever we do personally is impacting this global world! The computer technology has allowed us to be connected, and the information about us simultaneously does get around no matter how much we may not want to. As the result we may be living in a pool of water in a sense that if it get contaminated, one way or other, it will effect ourselves, no matter how much we may be in denial!